Saturday, March 22, 2014

Back to Blogging

We've been offline for over a year, but I hope you'll welcome us back.  Facebook diverted my attention for a while, but I've come to realize that blogs are what I most enjoy. Since we've been gone a few things have changed.

First, I'm so sad to share the news that we lost Jackson to Osteo. He pulled up hurting after playing in the yard one day and just a month later we said goodbye.  Harvey, Jimmy Chew, and I all miss Jackson so, but I'm thankful for all of the memories we shared together.

The day before his symptoms became apparent we took these fun photos:  The Leprechaun Outtakes

These photos are some of my favorites, and I look at them often, especially if I've had a bad day or am just longing to see the boys all together.   You were the best boy, Jackson.

On a happier note, last month I adopted a Spanish Galgo. His Gotcha Day was February 1, and I'll share more about him in a future post.

Meanwhile, I hope all of our blogger friends are well, and I'm looking forward to catching up!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss of Jackson. Glad you are back to blogging!
