Monday, November 12, 2012

October - Our Month in Photos

Well, as usual, we're behind with our blog posts! We'll try to catch up by recapping the month with photos.

At the beginning of the month, Harvey and I went to Dewey Beach for the Greyhounds Reach the Beach event.

The next weekend we celebrated Jimmy Chew's 3rd Gotcha Day. Gosh, the time has really flown by, and Jimmy continues to surprise me.

Jimmy still has a shoe fetish, but just last month he began collecting toys.

Jimmy's Gotcha Day present, a giant snake!

And, of course, we had to celebrate with ice cream.

The next few days were a little scary, as Jimmy had surgery to remove 2 MCTs (mast cell tumors). He's OK now, but we were very worried.

The next weekend was busy, beginning with the arrival of a new kayak!

After the delivery of the kayak, Harvey and I took a trip to Skyline Drive. It was really beautiful.

The next day we hosted our monthly Around Town Hounds walk with a visit to a neighborhood called Woodland Heights. We had a great time.

Later that day I took my old kayak out to enjoy more Fall foliage.

The next weekend brought Hurricane Sandy. But that didn't stop Razor's GUR! Saturday afternoon - getting ready to head out in the Jetta - Hurricane Sandy is looming!

Successful handoff in North Carolina.

Razor enjoys a hamburger (hold the cheese, please).

Settling in for the night at my house.

Hangin' with my boys.

Handsome Razor.

And the next handoff, on Sunday. The rest of the legs of the GUR managed to travel just ahead of Sandy, and Razor arrived safely to his new home in Connecticut. Yay!

Later on Sunday, as the wind howled, a friend dropped off fresh-out-of-the-oven treats for the boys.

A hurricane? Who cares, we have snacks!

And finally to close out the month.  :)

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