Monday, February 7, 2011


Over the last couple of weeks:

Harvey and I celebrated his 4th adoption day anniversary. I can't believe how much my life has changed because of Harvey, and I'm grateful for every day I get to spend with this very special boy.

Jackson turned 7! He still acts like a puppy, so it's funny to think that he's a senior now. Here's Jackson with his annual post-Christmas clearance toy. (Please excuse the lousy photo!)

Clyde's mom hosted a little get together for some of the folks who helped with his rescue. It was wonderful to see Clyde, and he looks fantastic! He's a hardy and happy hound.

The Around Town Hounds visited Hollywood Cemetery. Hollywood, founded in 1847, is home to the monuments of 2 presidents, 6 Virginia governors, 22 Confederate generals, thousands of Confederate soldiers, and countless others. We visited many monuments, including several with dog statuettes. We also stopped by Iron Dog, the famous cast-iron Newfoundland who stands guard over a young girl's grave.

Iron Dog.

The January Around Town Hounds: Jackson F., Harvey, Jackson, Gretta, and Amirah!

We spent an evening last week sitting with Dimples, who broke her leg and needs constant supervision. Isn't she beautiful?

And lastly, Harvey had his annual dental. Poor guy, last year he had 3 extractions, and this year had to have 5 teeth removed. He wasn't able to Roo for a few days, but made up for it today... with perhaps the loudest Roo ever!

Until the next time. Meanwhile, hugs to your hounds.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, that cemetery sounds very interesting! Beautiful hounds by the way!
