Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here To Stay

This summer has been full of ups and downs, but everything is falling into place now and we're looking down the path towards the future. Our busy lives are starting to quiet down, and we're enjoying the simple joys of daily life. And it occured to us that we had a bit more room in our home and our hearts, and what better way to fill them than to adopt that sweet little boy, Skiddy Urban. So... Skiddy Urban's search for a forever home ends with us.

Welcome Home, Skiddy Urban, we sure do love you.

Now... some photos of Harvey and Jackson enjoying a Roo with their new brother!

This is Harvey's "Mom, please play that Roo song..." face.


Jackson hears the Roo.

Skiddy hears it too.

"Let's Roo!"

"Skiddy, you too!"

Have a great week!


  1. yay! i'm so glad that urban will be staying in richmond & with people as great as you guys! whooo-hooo!!! :o) congrats!

  2. Congrats! Looks like an all-boys club. Rooing together is quite the bonding experience.

  3. Yeah for Urban! What a great end to his story!

  4. hehehe, I love all their cute little faces! Good roo boys! And yay for Skiddy! He's such a sweetheart!

  5. ha! I loved the photo story! (What song is the roo song?)

  6. hahaha --- that put a smile on my face :) too cute!

    I actually just started working for an organic coffee company that directly supports The Mobile Greyhound Adoption Center. They make "dog friendly" blends and donate $1 per pound of "dog friendly" coffee they sell to the adoption center. You should all check them out sometime!

    Their coffee is delicious... so if you want to help out some Greyhounds in need while you're drinking your daily cup of coffee -- Green Tree is the way to go :)

    Take care and feel free to get in touch with me any time -- or toll free at(877) 338-0040

    ... What is the roo song??
