Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Quick Hello

Hi Everyone! We're happily ensconced in our new neighborhood, Bellevue.

Bellevue is located on the northside of Richmond, and is a Crayola box of architectural styles. Craftsman and Arts and Crafts bungalows sit side-by-side to Tudors, Mediterranean, and Colonial creations. It's a dream for us, and every day we see something interesting and unique.

We just finished moving the last of our things, and are still unpacking boxes. I think we need to hire Trina for our next move! But... we did finish the fence in time and the dogs had their things in place right away.

Our neighbors are great, and are very interested in Harvey, Jackson, and Jello. One of our neighbors greeted us with this wonderful sign, which we still have hanging on the refrigerator!

Would you like to meet our first house guest? Olly is staying us until he finds his forever home. Olly's sister lives just around the bend, so we hope to find a home for Olly nearby.

Well, this is a short post, simply because there's still so much to do... we'll close with a couple of photos from our Sunday walk and a view from the room where I'm sitting now. See you soon!


  1. I had a friend who lived there a while back. We used to walk the dogs and just admire the eclectic architecture of the houses. I'm sure the kids are happy to be settled in.

  2. Those floors look beautiful! Nice choice :)

    Iva's childhood friend lives in the house that looks like a castle (6th picture down)

  3. I am an unpacking fiend..BUT I had to do it in 24 hours. YOu had some time to move slowly! haha
    Glad everyone is settled in and you love your new neighborhood!
