In May 2008 Trina asked me to tag along on a home visit for a potential Greyhound adopter. The applicant lived nearby, and since I needed experience doing home visits, Jackson and I obliged. A short time later that applicant adopted Jello Shot Dot. And on 6/18/08 Harvey, Jackson and I met Jello and her new daddy for a Greyhound play date. We had no idea that after that day everything would change.
Jello's Gotcha Day
Play date, 6/18/08

Let's fast forward... this month I found and bought my dream home, a large 1920's Arts and Crafts bungalow. Seems that over the past year my doll house sized bungalow just wasn't big enough anymore. And as luck would have it, Jello's daddy has always wanted an Arts and Crafts house too.
Next month our merged pack will take another bend in the road as we move into our new home. And in a strange turn of events, we close on 6/18/09, exactly one year after that first play date.
My doll house bungalow
Our new home
It has a lovely front porch

The view from the porch
Rooms big enough for Greyhounds

Harvey and Jackson, thank you for guiding me and for helping me open my eyes to what was right in front of me. You are my best boys. And to Jello's daddy, I love you.