Monday, February 9, 2009

Our Visit to Drewry's Bluff

The weather this weekend was outstanding (again!), so we decided to visit one of the Richmond National Battlefield parks. Drewry's Bluff was the location of Fort Darling, which was used to defend the Port of Richmond from Union forces. It was also the site of the Confederate Naval Academy and the Confederate Marine Corps Camp of Instruction.

Some pictures from our day.

A photo of Drewry's Bluff taken during the Civil War.

And remember Harvey's littermate Thai? Thai lives in Nova Scotia and was adopted in 2005 through the Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada. Thai's family sent a few photos from his "Hound Day", which is what we refer to as "Gotcha Day." Enjoy!


  1. I particularly like the picture where the dogs are studying the historic marker. :-)

  2. Who knew greyhounds were civil war history buffs. My neighborhood is surrounded by civil war battlefields, but my kids are just interested in smelling the trails.

  3. Very cool! I love how your hounds look so calm and into the moment. Mine would be all over the place trying to sniff, lick and chew yummy things.
