Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Parks, Festivals, and Who's on First

Hi Everyone, we've been MIA lately, but only because Harvey and Jackson have been busy visiting parks, attending festivals, and hosting play dates with new friends! Here's a look at what we've been up to...

We made several visits to Richmond's beautiful James River Park System.

This little guy was no bigger than a dime!

This guy was much bigger.

One night we stopped by Bryan Park, the home of Richmond's famous azaleas. Sorry about the dark photos, but we were visiting at dusk.

Last weekend we volunteered at the 43rd Street Festival of the Arts, which benefits Freedom House. It was a really hot day, but we had lots of fun and met some great people.

Jackson, meet Jackson. We just met Jackson (the kid) that day, but notice how his shorts complement Jackson's (the hound) coat!

Here's our new neighbor, Howard! Fortunately for us, Howard (Pa's Zeus) lives just down the street, so he's able to visit often for romps in the yard and digging contests with Jackson.

The boys meet for the first time.

Howard and Jackson, who I imagined were having a "Who's on First?" discussion. Jackson's look of confusion suggests that he's playing the part of Costello.
A truce.

And finally, a photo of a sunset we saw as we made our way home one evening.

We'll see you soon... meanwhile, hug your hounds!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I am so glad Howard is having a good time with your boys!
