Monday, June 9, 2008

Dogs Playing Poker

Well, I wish Harvey and Jackson could play poker... it's unseasonably hot here, and we haven't done anything fun since last weekend's Belle Isle walk!

Poor H&J, they are so bored! I've been trying to entertain them with hide-and-seek games, bones in Kongs, ear scritches, and rooing sessions. What they really want is to stretch their legs and run, but they just can't in this heat. Greyhounds have very little body fat, short coats and thin skin, making them extremely susceptible to overheating. Oh well, there's always next weekend!

We did have one Greyhound event this weekend, despite the weather. On Saturday GPA Richmond had a dog haul. Due to the heat the hauler was about 12 hours late, as the haul drivers had to continually stop for ice, which they used to keep the dogs cool. The dogs did just fine though, and we recieved Dream Thief and RMJ's Flying Joe. Dream and Flying Joe went straight to their forever homes. Hooray!

Here's Dream Thief.

Dream Thief with her new family. She's one lucky hound!

And, a couple of photos from yesterday. We took an early morning drive along the James River (before the heat became unbearable).

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mine are pretty upset by the whole 'no running' situation too. Hopefully they will get a chance tomorrow when we get a break in this heat!!!
