Saturday, May 10, 2008


Last weekend GPA Richmond held their annual Spring Picnic. The hounds had a great time visiting, running, playing and napping with friends. Some very special GPA volunteers hosted the event at their home, which was wonderful (thank you Morris Family!).

Harvey and Jackson had tons of fun, and Jackson was reunited with his sisters Janie and Jewel.

Our photos from the day.

A couple of hounds hitched a ride with us to the picnic. Flying Incubus couldn't wait to see all of her friends!

Harvey surveys the scene.

Hounds having fun!

Jackson sports his new Houndstown collar.

Hooray, ice cream!!

Jackson (center) with his sisters Jewel (left) and Janie!

Here's Jello Shot Dot. She's enjoying her very first (full) day of retirement. She looks happy, don't you think?

Twister enjoys a nap.


Harvey's done for the day.

Want to see more photos from the day? Just go here here and here. Have fun!

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