Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter on Parade

We had a wonderful time at yesterday's Easter on Parade. Harvey and Jackson did such a good job showing folks that Greyhounds Make Great Pets! The GPA Richmond booth was a real draw, and we collected badly needed donations by selling people and pet treats. The hounds did their part by sporting donation jackets, which had to be emptied frequently!

Thank you, Richmond!!

As promised, a few photos from the day.

Jackson works the crowd.

Begging for gyro leftovers!

A Whippet, and Italian Greyhound, and two Greyhounds...

Jackson says Hi to Meg the Doberman, who lives in our neighborhood.

Harvey takes a rest.

Jackson made lots of new friends!

We met another hound, Cowboy (wearing the bunny ears), who looks like Harvey's twin!

A future Greyhound adopter?

Towards the end of the day.

Tuckered out.


  1. Hi there!
    We were looking at Opy the Gruffpuppy's guestbook and then we saw your picture (the one with you in the car mirror) and it looked exactly like one of ours!! So we just came over to say hi!!
    Great pics and happy Easter!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena

  2. jackson would be called a crowd tart over here.

    one day i'll make it back to VA and will have all these greys to meet.

  3. You guys look great with those ears on.
