Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Walk Along the River

Wow, what a difference a day makes. This afternoon the sun came out and it was warm enough for a walk.

Harvey and Jackson were doing their best to act like they never get to go anywhere, so I decided to take them down to James River Park for a stroll along the river.

The boys are bundled up and ready to go!

Pictures from our walk.

The boys are always stuck to me like glue, so it's hard to get a picture of their faces... A passerby took this photo.

On our way home... someone spots the boys!

Back home... Jackson and Harvey resume their Neighborhood Patrol duties.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!


  1. Great shots! Let us know if you are going down to the river and want company! I am always up for a walk (well..not always and Jason is rarely but I can be persuaded!).
