Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Something About Harvey

My boy Harvey turned 7 yesterday! Throughout the day I thought about the blog post I would write... about how much I love Harvey, about how wonderful he is, about how my life would be so different if our paths had never crossed... about what a great big brother he is to Jackson, Jimmy, and Jello, and how they would be so lost without him.

But instead of boring everyone with sentiment, here's a peek at the boy I've come to love so much.

Harvey "tires" easily. :)

Harvey's klutzy.

Harvey really does love Jackson.

Harvey likes meeting new people.

Harvey likes ice cream.

And Harvey really, really likes to Roo.

Happy Birthday, Harvey!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yesterday was such a sad day, as our friend Chelsea had to say goodbye to her beautiful Olly. Olly was very special, and was so lucky that Chelsea found him. She taught him all about love and trust, and was Olly's protector and soul mate. Now Olly is protecting Chelsea, and will always be by her side.

Olly, you were a good boy. We love you.