Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Day of Outtakes

Ever have one of those days when nothing turns out as you'd planned? Well, today was one of those days, at least when it comes to photography.

This morning we headed up to Church Hill to look for period decorations. Some of the homes are so beautifully decorated, many with Victorian themes. I took a few photos, but none of them turned out... even the pictures of the dogs were a bust. Believe it or not, these are the best of the bunch.

This afternoon was no better. We tried to get a holiday photo of the hounds. Every photo, and I do mean every single one, qualified as an outtake.

So, no keepers from the day, but lots of goofball shots!

And this is out it ended.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Fun

Today Harvey and I took a stroll through our neighborhood's annual holiday celebration, "Christmas on MacArthur." It's a "small town" event, and one of the things that makes Bellevue so endearing.

We saw lots of dogs, including a Labradoodle...

...and a Deerhound!

Check out Santa's reindeer!

Harvey and our new neighbor, Jackson.

Our last stop on MacArthur was at the Pampered Pets table for peanut butter treats!! We couldn't wait to get home to share them with Jello, Jimmy, and Jackson.

Jackson's anticipation was palpable.

Mom, hurry up!

Jello shows the boys how it's done.

The treats were a hit.

This afternoon I finished trimming the tree, with a little help from my constant companions, Jimmy and Jackson.

Happy Weekend, Everyone!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello from the Hounds!

Hi Everyone, we're still here, but I must confess that I have not been up to writing new blog posts. I know others will understand that the events over the past 3 months in Texas and Florida have weighed heavy on our hearts, and it must be unimaginably difficult for those directly involved. And just let me say to those folks that even those of us from afar think and talk about your efforts every day. We are amazed at how you've continued to push forward to help Greyhounds find health, homes, and happiness.

As for us, we're doing OK! Last month marked Jimmy Chew's first year with us, and we love him more than ever. Even though taking care of 4 hounds is definitely a challenge, I'll never regret the day we decided to keep Jimmy. Happy Anniversary, Jimmy!

Jimmy and Jackson.

We recently formed a Greyhound walking group, aptly called "The Around Town Hounds." Harvey and Jackson, along with their friends Jackson Follek, Howard, Possum and Brady, meet regularly to explore Richmond neighborhoods. Sometimes other friends join in, and it's been great fun for the hounds and their escorts.

Brady, Harvey, and Jackson.

Jackson and Jackson!

Rusty and Harry.

The escorts.

The Around Town Hounds - Jackson, Brady, Jackson F., Harvey, Howard, and Possum.

This past weekend we were fortunate to participate in a GUR for Chevy, who is one of the sweetest and funniest hounds I've ever met. Chevy's northern owner could no longer keep him, but the universe conspired to place Chevy perfectly with a family in Atlanta. And it seems that the family needed Chevy just as much as he needed them. And wouldn't you know, helping Chevy get to his home was just the prescription I needed too, and I have a feeling that his story lifted many hearts this week.


This little guy came along for the ride...his new home is in North Carolina!

And in closing, here's my beautiful boy, Jackson.
Hugs to you and your hounds.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Something About Harvey

My boy Harvey turned 7 yesterday! Throughout the day I thought about the blog post I would write... about how much I love Harvey, about how wonderful he is, about how my life would be so different if our paths had never crossed... about what a great big brother he is to Jackson, Jimmy, and Jello, and how they would be so lost without him.

But instead of boring everyone with sentiment, here's a peek at the boy I've come to love so much.

Harvey "tires" easily. :)

Harvey's klutzy.

Harvey really does love Jackson.

Harvey likes meeting new people.

Harvey likes ice cream.

And Harvey really, really likes to Roo.

Happy Birthday, Harvey!!